Is Zander, an American “Safe?”

Rapper Zander, an American with a manic expression on his face displaying a set of handcuffs unlocked from one wrist as cover art for the single
(Courtesy: Studio 42)

Between 1980 and 2022, anywhere between 35 and 50 percent of annual homicides in the United States happened between people with a known relationship to one another. And only recently has it become common knowledge that the majority of sexual assault victims in the US are attacked by someone they know.

The point? It be ya own people. Perhaps an American is more dangerous to you as an acquaintance or a friend than they would be as a stranger. What a weird thought. Eerily enough, it could be accurate.

Are you safe? When and where are you safe in America?

Physically, mentally, and emotionally, we can be assaulted at every turn throughout a day. In a car-dependent country full of “rugged individuals” (i.e. selfish assholes), driving to and from work is treacherous. In an economy where everything must get bigger or die, you are not safe from exploitation of your “rockstar” employee status in a “fast-paced” environment. And at home you find it hard to protect your peace of mind from invasive messages preying on your insecurities, telling you to buy something you don’t need with money you don’t have to solve problems you don’t have (or aren’t really problems). Perhaps your teeth are not porcelain white, your watch is fake, and you still have the iPhone with a headphone jack. There’s nothing wrong with you.

I didn’t even talk about the guns! Or the drugs! Or the nasty ass tap water! (My beloved Minneapolis is an exception here, #GiveFlintWater #GiveJacksonWater.)

“Safe?” by Zander, an American is out on all digital streaming platforms. Music video and streaming links below:

Stream “Safe?” by Zander, an American on your platform of choice